Personal Prescription.

3 Feb 2017

If I could write a wish list or personal prescription for my well being (and not healing others, or world peace!), what would it look like?

1 Good Sleep. When I go to sleep at 10.30 for a few days in a row, I wake at 6.30 without waking in the night.

2 Sunshine. (Warm sunshine even better!) For me everything is at least a notch better when the sun is shining! Motivation, energy, getting out, smiles, meeting up with people, plans.

Ok I've been low on sunny days too, but I'm in wish list mode, so they'd be a thing of the past!

I like all sorts of weather and climates. Nothing beats a crackling fire in the winter. I love sitting round a campfire or even just lighting candles, so for my personal prescription regular warm sunshine and times just gazing into a fire, would challenge the number one spot!

3 Good movement. I would miraculously have the motivation, time and energy to get out for a lovely walk and move around enough to have notched up 10,000 steps a day without even realising it!

I'd play table tennis once a week, enjoy a zumba party dance class and a yoga or pilates class just at the right level. Somehow just these things would keep me in great physical shape. Done. ;) There'd be no barriers to travel and I'd visit places near and far experiencing all the things that are out there and just the right balance with being able to enjoy being right here at home.

4. Calm. I would drift through life never needing to hurry or worry. My breath regular and deep. There'd be time for everything. There'd be a place for everything and plenty of light and space. There'd be just enough money for what was needed with the odd guilt free treat along the way! I'd live in each moment, knowing that life is what it is and that I do what I can, with moments to just be.

5. Companionship. I'd have good, worry free relationships with loved ones, friends and colleagues and people in general, with just the right balance of company and me time, miraculously just happening! Sharing smiles, chatting, learning and a belly full of laughs every now and again.

I'd have a special companion who I could be myself with, always there for me to love and be loved by.

So my Personal Prescription has come out as, sleep, sunshine, movement, calm and companionship in that order for some reason.

If, for once, you could put just you and what you'd like into a wish list, what would yours look like?

It might just be one word. Go for it wish away! :)


A Moodscope member.

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