Pills or skills?

17 Feb 2022

In my last post I recommended viewing an excellent talk by American  therapist Michael Yapko. It’s at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVgQ_tgWMyU


I’d like to pick up on an aspect of this talk: the usefulness and limits of modern antidepressant pills (SSRIs). De Yapko is not against pills – neither am I – but  cautions against over-reliance on them.  


SSRIs can “raise you off the floor” and make you feel somewhat better. They can also help you to function more normally e.g. sleep better. SSRI pills, however,  only work for about 50% of people. And no amount of pills will teach you how to better cope with stress, make better decisions, make better personal relationships or create a good support network for yourself. Maybe Moodscope has helped you in the last of these?


So what can help you do these sort of things? Dr Yapko’s research give us some guidance.


“Oldie but Goldie”

A Moodscope member.

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