Playing the "Jittery" Card.

12 Sep 2013

I wanted to do a series that embraced all 20 cards and here's the first of twenty.

Today, it's the turn of the 'Jittery' card, which Moodscope defines as, 'feeling agitated and edgy'.

What can we do if we play a 2 or 3 on the Jittery Card? Feeling agitated and edgy is impossible without 'jittery chemicals' flowing through our bloodstream. In response to stress, we release hormones that allow our agitated and jittery state to be translated into rapid action should the perceived danger turn out to be a real threat. This gives us an 'edge' – the positive aspect of being 'edgy'.

It doesn't feel nice, though, does it? And, in most situations, it's an unhelpful reaction to a perception of danger. This perception can just be our imagination. Our body doesn't care, it will react regardless of whether the threat is real or imagined.

So what can we do to move on from an unhelpful jittery state? First thing to realise is that you've got at least 40 minutes before your body will calm down. It takes a while for the hormones to work their way out of your system. So, be gentle and patient with yourself.

Secondly, drink some more water. The hormone system is water-dependent. Drinking water helps flush the system! Drinking coffee, tea, or alcohol is going to add more stimulants to the already complex chemical cocktail coursing through your veins.

Thirdly, shift your focus. Ask yourself, "How specifically am I 'safe' today?" "What would enhance a sense of calm in my life today?" For me, I have three easy paths to peace: listening to soothing music, having a shower, and walking in Nature.

If you take such positive action, and give yourself 40 minutes to sense the change, you should be able to adjust your score on the "Jittery" scale!


A Moodscope User.

We are asking all Moodscope members to contribute any ideas, coping strategies, advice or tips you may have that you think would help others feel less jittery. We would like to use them in the future on the Moodscope web site. Please post your thoughts on our Blogspot:

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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