Playing with Time.

14 Mar 2015

Do you remember how time seemed to work differently when we were children? When we were having fun we felt we had played all afternoon and yet the adults claimed only an hour had passed. I think we knew how to disregard time, bend time, play with time.

Why not do it again? As adults! What is stopping us? Thinking that it is impossible? So let's think it is possible - as it used to be when we were small.

Recently I had a 30 minute break at home between meetings. I set the alarm 15 minutes ahead. I lay down on my spike mat, hands on my heart to slow my beating heart and soon felt myself nod off and dream. After a while I surfaced as the pictures slowed down and noticed myself thinking: "I'm so rested now it must be way past 12.30." Opening my eyes the clock showed 12.27.

My shut-eyes exercise had lasted 12 minutes in "real" time. But in terms of energy-recovery it had lasted a long time. I felt calm and fully present, energized, all throughout the afternoon. In my family we have a saying when we go to bed late that "We'd better sleep five quarters per hour". This may not be as impossible as it sounds.

Recently I've started to ask as a kind of prayer that the time I have to do something – like write a certain piece – will be sufficient and ample for me to do it in a harmonious way and be happy and satisfied with the result. I believe actively choosing to do something and asking to have fun whilst doing it, focusing on that, serves as an anti-dote to stress.

In a way I'm asking not to feel stressed while doing something. But asking in those words wouldn't give me the magic I'm after. I believe in focusing on what I want, now that I know it is possible. Time is not a fixed item.

I'll keep experimenting with asking for the feeling of flow and of having ample time and to succeed with my task satisfactorily within the time given and see what happens. Let's enter the mindset of playing with time as a possibility. I'm fascinated to see what creations may come out of it.

All the best,


A Moodscope member

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