Preventing a dip

Self care
8 Feb 2024

I could feel myself dipping yesterday, and tears filling my eyes. I was feeling lonely. The previous weekend after a 5 year hiatus I went on a date. I had a fabulous time, with super conversation and my date instantly messaging to say he enjoyed it too. Then later in the week the disappointment of being ignored when I texted to ask if he wanted to meet up again, plus the prospect  of a long day on my own with my two working all day, meant I really felt a bit sad.

I think if we are prone to depression then if we can recognise a possible trigger, then we can put some things in place to try to head it off. It's not guaranteed but I made an active choice to try to tackle how I was feeling. I bought a paper (a luxury considering the price of one at the weekend!) and took it to bed. I decided to reframe my lonely day as a day to 'chill' as I have a very busy work week ahead. I remembered my lovely daughter had bought me some face masks so I put one on, forcing me to sit still and look ridiculous for half an hour. Much hilarity was had by sending my daughter a photo of me with it on!

Today as I read Rowan on the Moor's wonderful blog, I took advantage of my dog walk to look out for signs of spring: clumps of snowdrops, the first signs of crocus with their purple peeking out and a sea of cyclamen planted across someone's front garden.

I have arranged to see a friend for a cuppa tonight. She too understands the vagaries of internet dating, something she has done since she lost her husband way too young. We will laugh, and now I remember despite feeling lonely I have friends, so many friends....

What small things can you do to lift your mood?


A Moodscope member

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