Purpose and Passion

25 Feb 2023

Today I want to a start with a little story about peas. 

Once upon a time there was a pea pod containing three peas. It was dropped on the floor, the pod opened, and one of the peas fell out. The two remaining peas were concerned about the missing pea. After a short time the two peas realised it was no good worrying. They would have to accept their colleague was an escape-pea! 

That left two P’s in the pod; Purpose and Passion.

They are important as they both have an effect on our MH.  

Some psychologists believe we thrive on a sense of purpose as it makes us feel alive, gives us energy and motivation. There is research in support. This showed that having purpose in our lives can extend them.

Steve Taylor, a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, believes purpose provides a sense of where we are and where we are heading in our lives. Also it gives us resilience, determination and endurance to meet life’s challenges.   

I have found a few life purpose examples:

• Travelling to different countries.

•  Supporting your local community.

•  Fighting for a social cause, like climate change.

•  Being positive and supportive for others. 

One thing that can provide Purpose is Passion. There are a few definitions around but my favourite is “A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, subject or concept”.

A good example are football supporters. They get emotional about the results of their team which can have a huge effect on their moods.

Much closer to home, I know Caroline and her team are passionate about Moodscope. Another classic example is Mrs Bear’s involvement in outdoor swimming. It seems obvious to me after reading her Blog comments on 10 February. Her enthusiasm is overflowing with passion! 

I have recently discovered a paper written by Dr Susan Biali Haas M D. She has spent almost 20 years studying purpose and passion and these are some of her helpful suggestions:

1  Be curious and be open to new things. Open your eyes to the world around you. Watch for things that inspire or interest you.

2  Watch for needs and causes that you are passionate about. Think about a vocation. Her vocation is helping people with poor MH.

3  Look back at you childhood for inspiration. What did you love doing as a kid? What did you want to become?

4  Notice and pursue activities that make you lose track of time.

Losing yourself in an activity is a big clue to something you should spend more time doing. These type of activities can improve well being and reduce stress. 

As you may know I have a huge interest in MH and I am also passionate about my marriage and playing crown green bowls.

What are your passions?


A Moodscope member

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