Putting the pieces together again.

7 Jun 2015

If a treasured piece of ceramic ware gets broken in Japan they have a special way of fixing it. They mix the glue with powdered gold and make a feature out of the cracks in the repaired item.

This of course makes the piece unique and quite often the repaired pot is actually more valuable and beautiful than it was before it got broken. The Japanese call this repair process Kintsugi.

I am now a ceramic artist and have battled my way through mental illness to a better place. I think the journey has been hard, I have developed a lot of breaks and cracks along the way. However I also think that I have learnt a lot about myself and about others and it has made me more tolerant of others difficulties. I have become remade and I would like to think that I am like a Kintsugi pot - you can see the cracks and scars but that adds to my value and uniqueness.



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