Q and A

15 Sep 2023

It’s time for a Q and A session where you can ask any questions to the combined experience of the wise Moodscopers and you can answer any question.

It is a chance to ask a fun or simple question or a serious question or any question you have wanted to ask.

I have a couple of questions I have been wondering about.

Firstly is there another way to ask “How are you?”

How many times have I asked this question or been asked it and all I get as a reply is fine and I say good thanks.

Now if there isn’t time or it is just a polite thing to say that’s fine, but if you are concerned as to how someone is, what do you say?

The other question I want an alternative to is “What do you do?” That implies you are only valued if you have a well-paid or interesting job. I have asked people “What is something interesting you have learnt recently?” But that sounds a bit awkward.

So, it is up to you to ask and answer questions.

Welcome to another Q and A brought to you by the Letter L.!!!


A Moodscope member

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