Quick, clean up before the Cleaner arrives!

8 Jul 2013

I've never employed a cleaner, but my old landlady did. One of her most endearing characteristics was her regular panic to clean up before her cleaner arrived!

She had very messy children, and her thought was that it was not fair for the cleaner to have to clear up after her kids. General cleaning was right and only fair, but she drew a line when it came to child-created chaos. She felt the children's mess was a reflection on her, and she needed to keep up appearances.

This reminds me of my own attitude to Moodscope. I suspect the vast majority of us use Moodscope because life is less than we hoped it would be. Life is challenging - sometimes too challenging. So it's time for me to confess!

When I'm having a really bad time, I'll read the blog, but I won't do my score for that day! The blog is regularly a comfort, but I don't want to mess up my stats - how crazy is that? It's like keeping up appearances. I think it's as crazy as rushing around cleaning the house before the cleaner gets here, don't you agree?

So let me encourage you as I encourage myself. Moodscope is here for us to track the ups and the downs - that's its whole purpose. It doesn't judge us - it just helps us observe. As such, its usefulness and accuracy are dependent upon honest reporting on a regular basis – it is not about appearances.

Don't delay, plot your score today!

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