We should have seen it coming I suppose, but it just didn't occur.
So, over the last three days, the scores on the nervous, anxious and scared cards have been sky high!
What was this terrifying thing?
My son wanted to bring his new girlfriend to visit. "And," he told me in an aside, "This one's special!"
My husband and I looked at each other in bewilderment. With our girls, we have had years of getting used to them bringing their friends home for tea, to sleepovers (with conspicuous confectionery consumption), to those friends joining us on holiday. By the time they start bringing home young men I hope we will have a good handle on things. But we've only had six months with Tom.
You remember Tom, don't you? I blogged on 18th February about how I came to adopt my son at 26.
Of course I've known that he has had a succession of young females in his life. He's an attractive, warm hearted lad; it's all perfectly natural.
But, when you take your girlfriend home to meet the parents it's a bit different.
Then there's the fact that Jenny has bright pink, blue and purple hair, tattoos and piercings while we are as conventional a family as you would find in a month of church going Sundays.
So, yes, we were all nervous.
At least I was nervous until I realised that Jenny must be feeling at least as scared as I. "Poor girl," I thought. At that point it stopped being about me and my family and about wanting to make this young woman feel comfortable and welcomed. My focus shifted and, oh boy, did I feel better!
And of course it's been fine. Jenny's lovely. I met them at the station and it took all of ten minutes for us to have the kind of honest conversation you need to have in order to create the basis for a real and authentic relationship.
Tom's sisters like her and are fascinated by her hair. "Mummy – can I have blue hair too?" (Not until you're at university, dear!)
Even my husband has come round, although he says it's the first time he's been greeted with the words "I know I've got the hair and tattoos and piercings, but I don't do drugs or anything like that, honest!"
Wind. Sails. Taken out!
We should have trusted Tom. He has excellent taste. In fact, he's chosen a girl rather like me!
Now – I wonder what I'd look like with blue and pink hair.
A Moodscope member.
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