Quotes - Do they help?

6 Jul 2023

FEAR has two meanings:




The choice is yours.

I saw this on a friend’s page on FB.  I thought it was quite powerful, along with the saying "There’s Nothing to Fear, But Fear Itself" attributed to F. D. Roosevelt (which Mr. Bear has often quoted to me when I have told him I am worrying or anxious about something).

So it seems we have choices, but do we really?

Some days I can Face Everything and Rise. If I’m feeling fit and well, I am more than capable of most things that come my way.  However, other days I maybe tired, feeling low, upset by something someone has said or done, or I’m being asked to do something I don’t want to do (e.g. say yes to an invitation that I’m not keen on) and it’s playing on my mind;  it is then that I can be reduced to Forget Everything and Run….back to bed!

Then there’s "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway! Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being, doing, having, or feeling. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go and do it!"  (Susan Jeffers quote)

Are there times when you have to feel the fear - and do it anyway, because "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself" ?!!

Then Kahil Gibran says "Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it." 

But surely we need to control aspects of our future so that we head in the direction we want for ourselves? If I don’t want to accept an invitation, I surely must be allowed to refuse politely without having to give an explanation or worse, to lie? Why is it that the fear of upsetting people is one of my biggest fears and causes me the most anxiety?

They are all quite good quotes - have you used any of them and have they worked for you?

Love and Bear hugs 

Bearofliddlebrain x x x

A Moodscope member 

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