
22 Feb 2015

Sometimes I wake up and wonder

Why is life so hard,

What ? Really? No of course not,

That's not it, be positive, content,

Think of others, yes, that bit's easy.

Well, what is up with you then?

Nothing, nothing's up. I know I am strong,

I am coping, I always have.

I have so many skills, I can shine!

Everyone wants something,

I have to be so good,

mostly I enjoy it!

But now and again I feel the need.

So why the long face? I don't know!

Sometimes, I need someone to lean on,

someone who cares, someone who puts me first!

Is that so wrong?

That's a human trait,

maybe it's a good thing.

Maybe you are healing.Feeling!

That's it, feeling alive again.

So tomorrow, I suggest you wake up and wonder!

Yes just that. Wonder.

Wonder at the beauty of life.

That there is someone who cares.


A Moodscope member.

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