
23 Jan 2017

What a gorgeous word! What a wonderful experience!! What a glorious feeling!!!

Here's how Visual Thesaurus describes 'Rejuvenate':

- restore strength

- undergo regeneration

- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature

- become young again

- return to life; get or give new life or energy

- make younger or more youthful

- provide the needed stimulus for

- develop youthful topographical features (I like this!)

I'm a fan of four streams of wisdom around Time Management. One of the four is Dan Sullivan's approach for Entrepreneurs. In his Entrepreneurial Time System, he recommends just three types of days:

- Focus Days

- Buffer Days

- Free Days

Today I'm focussing on the Free Days. These days, says, Dan, are for rejuvenation. Look at the way Visual Thesaurus describes this beautiful word. I'm feeling energised just reading the descriptions!

Lady Penelope (my partner) and I have a slightly skewed rhythm to our week as she works on Sunday. This makes Friday and Saturday our weekend, but I often work on a Friday! Dan's system suggests that you always 'pay back' a Free Day if you have to flex for any reason. Fortunately, Lady P is also off on Wednesday each week. This week we had Wednesday as our Free day. On it, we visited Moors Valley Country Park and Forest.

Would you let me enthuse? This is a pine forest with apparatus for the children to climb, clamber upon and explore! There are running tracks and other stuff for adults, but I was attracted to the 'crocodile' and other climbing opportunities for kids...

...and I became a child again for a few precious moments.

You may or may not have your 'older' self present in your consciousness, but you most certainly do still have your inner-six-year-old! I wonder if 'Rejuvenation' includes giving that inner-six-year-old time to play again?

Not only did I become a child again, I also became a Mohican! I deliberately chose a path less trodden between the trunks of the pine trees. All of a sudden, I was a Native American Indian, hunting in the forest. It was a glorious jaunt for my imagination!

The result was that I was energised, refreshed, cheered-up, and left feeling young again!

In fact, I felt 'adventurous'...

I was rejuvenated.

May I invite your inner-six-year-old out to play this weekend? I promise you'll feel rejuvenated and energised to make the most of the coming week! You may even become as adventurous as a Mohican!


A Moodscope member.

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