Remember the feeling.

3 May 2017

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou's words speak to me through their simplicity and truth.

We all know people who don't talk to their family, their cousins, their neighbours because of a disagreement that started many years ago, so long ago that nobody remembers how it started. What they do tell you is that their side was hurt, offended, felt betrayed etc.

Feelings are so strong that successive generations will keep the animosity going long after the people who started it have died. A friend discovered she had long lost cousins in England and wanted to meet them. At the reunion was a side of her family that had not talked to the other side since late 1800's!!!

She was curious as to how it started but everyone was vague. What they did know was how horribly their ancestors had been treated by the other side.

There are good feelings that we can share with others. Funny how I immediately thought of negative feelings. I knew this family who had a child with a severe disability. Every time I visited them they made me feel like a queen. Words and actions have faded but that feeling of being welcomed and valued, has stayed with me forever.

There is common theory now that says as we think so shall we feel. If we change our thinking then other people can't make us feel bad. That is the theory and sometimes I am sure it works but in dealing with close family with fragile emotions involved it can be difficult to think logically.

If we change our thoughts we can change our feelings?

Can you relate to the quotation?

Do you remember how someone made you feel but have forgotten other details?

Do you have any ideas that worked for you to stop others from hurting your feelings?


A Moodscope member.

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