Remembering the Good times

25 Jul 2024

I know when I am facing challenges, I find it hard to believe I was ever happy. I thought it would be great to have a place where we can keep a happy memory or two.

I encourage Moodscopers to think about a memory that brings joy to them and write about it here. It can be a simple memory or a detailed one, or a memory from long ago or recently. You may want to comment on another person's memory and it may jog a recollection in your mind too.

This is one of my happy memories.

I remember visiting my grandmother's place that always smelled of home cooking, There was always a jar of homemade biscuits that I tasted - so delicious! I can still smell them and see my grandmother cooking in the kitchen. She would tell me stories of when she first met my grandfather on a train. They didn’t talk to each other for 6 months as it was about 1911. Then he would smile at her for another few months and then he asked if he could sit behind her. I think it took a year before he sat next to her!! The house had lovely ceilings and was very minimally decorated as opposed to my family home being cluttered. Just remembering her fills me with joy.

Your turn, write about your happy memory that you would like to keep referring to when needed.

I always ask a question: what makes your memory happy for you?


A Moodscope member

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