
15 Aug 2024

I've been watching the Paris Olympic Games.

It got to be quite compulsive viewing. I suppose it came at the right time and created hope at a period when the news is so distressing worldwide. And to say that at the start, I wasn't particularly interested in the Games, aside from its beautiful location!

But here were athletes of immense strength and endurance, at the top of their game, and competing in the most important competition in the world. It was amazing to see such feats as flying through the air (gymnastics, trampolining), with near perfect precision and such grace, cyclists racing at breathtaking speed, packed densely together without crashing, admirable rowing in small crafts, so powerful, and in unison with their team, to name just a few of the 32 sports represented at the Paris Olympics. And I haven't even begun on the swimming and diving!

My heart went out to ALL the competitors, who'd put their trust in their years of training and their skills, and got out there. In front of millions of people. Winning represented an important boost to the country under whose flag they were competing. In many cases it might be that nation's only medal achieved. If left to me, they'd ALL have received medals! But at least they can all say they are Olympians.

The margin between winning and not winning was often fractional, a whisker, so to speak. There certainly was no guarantee, and inevitably there were huge disappointments. Many tears, when performance expectations were not achieved. Tremendous frustration, sometimes with fellow athletes, as interactions did not always go smoothly, personalities and cultural differences all thrown into the mix.

Overall though, it gladdened the heart to see such international cohesion, and team spirit. Truly inspirational, and it gave me such respect for all those involved.

What has inspired you recently? Did you even watch the Games?


A Moodscope member

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