You are of Noble birth.
Over the centuries, generations bought into the idea that some are of a different class to others, but that is nonsense genetically, scientifically, and ethnically.
Not only do you and I have noble roots, we also have the option and the opportunity to live nobly.
"Men do not care how nobly they live, but only for how long, although it is within the reach of every man to live nobly, but within no man's power to live long." Seneca
Spoiler alert: I am about to reveal the climax of the plot of, "Wonder Woman," which I watched to relax. I thought "Wonder Woman" would be pretty undemanding intellectually... and I was right. But it wasn't undemanding ethically. It's a superb movie in the style of a Victorian Moral Tale.
Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman) is a goddess, daughter of Zeus. She ends up in conflict with Ares, the god of war. He doesn't want to be in conflict with her, but rather for her to wake up to the fact that humanity is a lost cause – addicted to violence and evil – and worthy of complete destruction. She comes to partially agree with him, but then asserts that we humans are all that – and a lot more. Yes, we have a propensity for evil, but her mission has nothing to do with what we deserve. Her assertion is that only love is the answer.
Thus, when tempted to leave us humans to our own devices, she makes three choices:
to stay
to fight, and
to give.
I felt this was a personal call to action: to stay committed to those to whom I am committed – independent of any 'deserving' of this; to fight for what is good on Earth while I still have strength, and to continue to give expecting nothing in return.
I'm not Wonder Woman. I'm not even a Superhero. But I am noble. And so are you.
Noble by birth, and noble by choice.
Stephen R Covey in, "First Things First," is keen for you and I to commit to 'Character' over and above 'Personality'. Stephen urges us to choose, "Integrity in the moment of choice." In the space between stimulus and response, to make a noble choice.
I write this longer blog today because I believe we have members who are tempted to quit and leave, whatever 'quit and leave' means to each one of us. Instead, I'd invite you to stay.
I write this today because I believe some of you have given up the fight or are about to. To you (as I say to myself), we are at war and we always will be. We are at war with depression, we are at war with injustice, we are at war often with ourselves. We can make peace with only one of these three!
And I write this today to those of us who keep giving and don't receive a fair return on our investment of love. To us, I say, "Keep giving." The Apostle who said, "Love never fails," also said, "Let us not grow weary in doing good for, in due season, we will reap a harvest – if we do not lose heart."
You have a noble heart. Stay. Fight. Give.
A Moodscope member.
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