Risk taking for adults

15 Jun 2024

I recently read an article about encouraging children to climb trees, be more physical, jump from a height, learn to balance etc. These are things most children did when I was a child.

I thought that as an adult there are risk-taking activities we do, and here is a brief list from my experience and from others.

- Wearing white clothes

- Putting on jeans standing up

- Calling present partner by ex-partner’s name!!

- Forgetting grandchildren’s birthdays

- Not using trip advisor but just adopting a wait and see attitude.

I recall that risk-taking was seen as being impulsive and involving, drinking, drugs, behaviours that could lead to physical harm.

Now it seems, both adults and children are being encouraged to get out of their comfort zone by challenging themselves and trying new things.

Now my list was being a bit light-hearted but I wonder how many Moodscopers have done any risk-taking behaviour, if not recently but in the past.

How did it feel?

Were you anxious and worried? Were you glad you did it.

Several years ago, my partner wanted to go overseas but I thought it was too much for me as I don’t travel well and don’t like change and being away from my routine.

I had to make a quick decision when cheaper fares were available. I am glad I did as I met people I would not have.

Share your fun risk-taking ideas or how you experienced risk-taking and whether it was worthwhile or not?


A Moodscope member

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