Rock Paper Scissors.

14 Nov 2016

What a great game!

Paper wraps around rock, scissors cut paper, and rock blunts scissors... well, you know the plays.

Today, I was thinking metaphorically.

Rock as a symbol of action and inaction!

Paper as a symbol of writing or not!!

Scissors as an instrument of cutting things out!!!

The rock that rolls is far superior to the rock that stands still. Action will always triumph over inaction. So what action could you take today to move towards your goals, your objectives, your dreams? Inertia will not serve you.

Paper is for drawing on, for writing on, for creating with. What you write endures forever (with a little help!) I'm still shocked that so much of the New Testament was written by someone who never met Jesus in the flesh. The Apostle Paul knew the importance of writing, and his letters have changed history. Peter, James, and John - Jesus' inner circle - his confidants - those who spent the most time with Him - left us frustratingly little of their experience because they didn't write it down. This is one of the reasons I've committed to writing and publishing on a daily basis. The more I write the clearer my thinking becomes - and, for me, that's worth the time involved. Clarity brings strength, and gives me direction for my actions.

So I'm going to encourage you to write more. Begin it now.

Scissors cut. Part of getting better clarity is cutting out the clutter in our lives - creating focus. There's so much stuff in your life and in my life that could just be cut out. And there are so many activities we could cut out without suffering any loss. In fact, we could be making space for something better in our lives.

Making space is about taking time. The more you cut out, the more time you'll have to focus on what is really important. You'll even be able to take time to devote to those whom you feel most important in your life. And to do that, sometimes you have to cut off some relationships.

So what could we cut out, get rid of, sell, or pass on? Let's make some space for something truly amazing.

Take more action.

Write more - it'll bring clarity and it's great for your soul.

Begin the purge - step up your action to clear your clutter!


A Moodscope member.

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