Rose Coloured Binoculars

25 Feb 2024


If you can have rose-coloured glasses, why not rose-coloured binoculars? Got to see further.

Leaving my big, lonely house, in a moribund town, was the right decision. Lovely flat, balcony, view, 24 hour security, no more shopping, swimming pool, activities. You have had the progress report. But despite being outward-looking, joining everything and trying to make friends with other residents I feel I would sink into watching TV and waiting for the next meal, AND grumbling, because everybody else does.

Every time I look at the picture above the ‘Proud’ card gets a four. I made over 50 of these dolls. All dresses correct historically over 2,000 years, to celebrate the millennium. I also created knitwear, which I labelled ‘Flamboyant’. My dream was a museum of sewing, had an ace patchwork maker lined up, had been promised some Breton ‘coiffes’ (those fantastic lace headdresses). Then in 1963 the then Pope banned the wearing of special robes. Our church was historically important, and had a superb range of robes  and appurtenances, even a purple silk one for a bishop. Marvellous embroidery. Then the last priest who ruled the parish but did not ‘minister’ to it, refused to let me display them. They are currently rotting in a loft above the sacristy. So, that was my dream, realisable. The town has a lot of tourists, and it would have been popular.

So, I now ‘follow the van’ in a train, going to ‘pastures new’ with a vengeance. It will be different, if only geographically. It is the same chain as where I am. The general standard here has gone down in 2 years, management seriously deficient, people always leaving, hard on the mostly very old people here who don’t like change. A willing, hard working guy tries to jolly us into entertainments – he’s the one everybody turns to, he will try and answer, not hide in a back office. Don’t know how long he will cope. Had a very welcoming phone call from his equivalent in Lyon; he also sent me a week’s programme. Some physical activity 5 days a week, one here. The whole ‘system’, 150 residences, is directed as a ‘pyramid’ from Paris. So how much influence, and responsibility , will individual places have? There was no management whatsoever here at end of year holidays. Nobody lives in, there is a ‘surveillant’ at night.I have explored every opportunity, this town is more moribund than where I lived.

Well,  can I hope for better management, more friendly residents given a better climate? There is no light here at night. Lyon is the third biggest city in France, the third biggest University, I have a Masters, library? The ‘big’ ones; 7th floor roof garden and terrace looking over city and rivers, museums, art galleries. And an international airport so I should have a better chance of seeing my family. Am I too confident? 

The Gardener

A Moodscope member

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