
15 Jan 2017

It sounded like a wonderful idea - time away from my shop with my partner while he was renovating I would have free time to relax and unwind.

The plan would mean I would have time to write, to read to walk.

So why did I feel uncomfortable about going and why did I, half way through my stay, feel restless.

I never thought I'd say this but I crave the order of my routine in my shop. I can't believe I actually wrote that because I've always been someone who sees herself as a free spirit almost hippy like, not someone who is tied down to timetables and has a boring routine.

Each day I have to get up at a certain time open the shop and then at the end of the day I close the shop and I do that 7 days a week. I love it. I love knowing what I'm going to do every day.

I know that some people now want to scream at me because they say they would love to have some time away where they don't have do the daily routine and have responsibilities.

When I was very manic and very depressed I had no routine. Everything was out of order and chaotic. Now I realize the importance of routine and order to maintain my health.

I used to see people that have routines as being boring but now I know the importance routine plays in giving structure to my life and helping me lead a balanced life.

I wonder what you feel about routine and the role it plays in your life.

Do you feel, like me, the routine does help your health and lack of routine is not good for you?

Or are you someone that thinks routine is very restrictive and detrimental to your health.


A Moodscope member.

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