
12 Jul 2017

My favourite thing - ruminating. Did I say the right thing? Did I say the wrong thing? Was that person a bit 'off' with me today? Does that other person not care about me anymore? Do people like me? Or maybe they just tolerate me? Why hasn't he/she texted me back? Have I upset them? Should I have done this? Should I have done that? Blah blah blah my mind goes, all day long...

Stop! Enough already!

I read somewhere that 'We should try to wear the world as a loose cloak.' I'm not sure where I read this, or who penned it first, but I like this quote. I try very hard sometimes to visualise a colourful cloak billowing behind me. It works for a very short while then the anxiety, worry and yes, rumination, all come flooding back. At this point I feel safer donning Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.

Around 99 per cent of what I worry about never happens and is purely in my imagination. So how do I stop? Do you ruminate often? How will you stop yourself from ruminating today?

Jane SG

A Moodscope member.

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