I meet so many talented people. Few of them are living the life they would choose to. In every case I remember, something is stopping them.
On the road to their dream life, there is a Stop sign... in fact there is usually Stop sign after Stop sign after Stop sign. All of these Stop signs are at a junction. Every junction demands that a choice be made.
If you want to change history, you have to challenge the Stop signs. The key question is, "What's stopping you?" The answer most of the time comes down to either of two important matters: resources or consequences.
People will mention resources like 'time' and 'money' and sometimes 'motivation'. Consequences are often connected, for example, you might say, "Well, I need to make a living/pay the rent/pay the mortgage."
So the second question is, "What would happen if...?" Here, you can insert whatever the assumed consequence is. "What would happen if you didn't/couldn't pay the rent?" Sometimes, with a little thought, you'll realise that the consequences, even in the worst case scenario, may not outweigh the benefit of running the Stop sign!
This year, you're going to reach a series of junctions where you can make a new choice. My hope is that you'll have the confidence and courage to run some of those Stop signs once you really challenge the fear of consequences that would otherwise keep you on the road you're on.
A Moodscope member.
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