Same recipe. Different Cake.

13 Jan 2015

This morning I heard Jack Savoretti covering Johnny Cash. My ears were treated to a sumptuous cover of Ring of Fire. (Apologies to all who (a) aren't lovers of music and/or (b) not fans of either Jack Savoretti or Johnny Cash.) Anyway, as I completely stopped, stock still, for 2 minutes and 33 seconds, I breathed it in. I had that little light bulb moment and so came straight to my keyboard.

Years back, a kind midwife was asking me how I was getting through the hours with new-born twins. I was explaining that I was not sleeping at all as I couldn't get them to feed together due to their feeding differences. She was supportive but ultimately there was little to be done about it. Her smile was warm though and that was enough for me to feel taken care of. She said "Ah yes, same recipe, different cake". I've always loved that phrase and today, when Jack sang Johnny, those words came right back to the front of my mind.

I'm feeling a little better at the moment and I don't know how long it will last. For now, I'm going to try to harness the power of that phrase. It would be ignorant for me to think my dark shadow, my heavy woollen coat four sizes too big, has gone, but I can try to hang on to the fact that, for now, it's with me but smaller. It's the same but different. My time to make subtle changes is now, in this window, to make something different so that if my shadow rears up again soon, it will find things jigged around. On a side-line…Jack has also given me a new crush for the day. Bruce Springsteen is still my one true love but Jack is my different cake for today. I wish for you all to retain the same recipe but try a slightly different cake today.

Love from

The room above the garage.

A Moodscope member.

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