Saving it for best.

23 Apr 2018

When an elderly cousin died, her family was surprised to find a whole chest of drawers full of unopened items, some were gifts some were items she had bought for herself. Drawers full of Oroton handbags, Glow mesh bags, leather handbags, never used at all, in immaculate condition.

Her daughter told me that her mum was Saving them for best because she felt the bags, shawls, tablecloths were far too good for everyday wear, but she was saving them for that very special occasion that would justify opening the box and using them.

Alas that day never came. So, there were 3 drawers full of handbags, shawls, handkerchiefs, lace tablecloths, nighties, a life time of shopping and gifts that were never used as they were waiting for best.

Do you or anyone one you know save things for best?

I remember when I was growing up we had to save our clothes for good wear and if I was given something I had it to save it for a special occasion.

When my mum died, and she also had a drawer full of item she was saving, I decided I would wear that dress I liked when I wanted to, use that hand bag when I needed, and use lovely items I had considered too good for every day wear.

Why do we put our lives on hold instead of enjoying the present?

Why do we think we are not good enough to use the special bags, clothes, cutlery, china etc?

What are you saving for best?


A Moodscope member

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