Second Year Running.

27 Jan 2017

January for me since being diagnosed 30 years ago with a form of M.E. and chronic fatigue syndrome is a month I became to loath. Every January for the past twenty years was the trigger for oppressive feelings and dark places. Ridiculous some friends would say as its all in the mind. Well that's a statement in itself because it's definitely in my mind.

However my January's have improved and for the past two years I've been managing them differently. Getting through this January 2017, I realise, at last, I may have conquered the rather large wall that stood between a cold dark place of negativity and the sunnier climates of positivity and prosperity. (I am sure there was a large wall in Games of Thrones).

So what changed? Last year I was fairly new into a job so I believe that kept me busy and focused and took my mind away from the thoughts of being negative. All I remember is that I got through it and in to February with a large cheer. This year I remain in the same job and doing ok. However, I was worried that being a single guy once again after 30 years having been attached admittedly with different women I would somehow become morose and down. Nope, I decided not let this happen as life was actually better than ever before. I have fantastic relationships with my children who deserve a Dad who is positive and upbeat as they themselves have challenges in their career choices. One is a Doctor, o'ne is a trainee Commercial Pilot and the other studies at LSE. Its impossible not to be proud of such wonderful young people I helped raise. These relationships keep me aware of life's best things and something else I took on was my love of lawn bowls and now play at least three times per week always meeting new people. I am also learning Chinese Mandarin, practising my memory tricks and picking up on Quantum Computing.

So basically I have had no time to be concerned about negative things or even the association of January with a bad time.

My message to all you wonderful Moodscope members is - If you have a bad feel month or day then find something new of interest to watch or partake in and live each moment as though it counts. Remember if you walk with a dog your brain may be full of thoughts ranging from shopping to sorting out bills to what to wear that evening, but a dog is just looking at the wonderful landscape in front of him/her and being ready for the next opportunity of food and that's it. Animals live in the moment and so should humans.

Take action today and find that one thing that will make the difference and feedback to the group such as learning Piano, watching only factual programmes on TV, walking to the shops, playing a new sport (Lawn Bowls), cooking something new, visit a new place and many more.

Kind regards

Frank from the Quayside

A Moodscope member.

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