Seed Soil Seasons and Strategies

8 Mar 2021

I believe you have a unique talent.

This is your ‘seed’ to sow in the world.


During these difficult seasons one legitimate escape for us has been to visit the gardens at Kingston Lacy, Dorset. Every day, something changes.


We have just been witness to the best Snowdrop Season in living memory. Now the Snowdrops are losing their vigour (at least as far as the flowers go), and it is the Season of the Daffodils and Camellias. I suspect the number of Daffodils is in the hundreds of thousands – a sea of golden blooms, nodding their approval of the arrival of Spring.


A friend has tried, unsuccessfully, to grow Snowdrops. She believes the issue is one of the wrong soil. This has got me thinking about you, and about me.


I have flourished, in the past, in the field of Training. Those days appear long gone – though their disappearance may be ‘seasonal’. Over a decade now of low fruitfulness naturally leads to doubt about one’s value – especially if measured financially. But what if we were to think in natural terms of seed time and harvest? For everything there is a season. A time to sow and a time to reap. A time to be busy and a time to rest.


I hope what follows will be words of comfort. Your seed is not recognised immediately – it takes time to grow into what it can become. Your seed also needs the best soil for it to flourish. Your seed has seasons. Seasons to grow, seasons to flower, seasons to bear fruit, and seasons to rest before we repeat. You may also have more than one talent. The Season of the Snowdrop bows gracefully to the incoming Time of the Daffodil. I was a trainer, now I’m a writer – different, if similar, talents. The writing hasn’t yet borne fruit but maybe I’m sowing in the wrong soil, or at the wrong time, or it isn’t yet the Season to bear fruit. Gardeners and Farmers learn patience.


I’m also learning a lesson from the Camellias. These delicate blooms are easily destroyed by frost or heavy rain. It is as if the Camellia expects this for the bushes produces waves of buds one after the other. If one bloom falls, another will soon take its place. The Camellia has a campaign to cope with adversity.


I would hope today that you would accept that you are good seed – talented, brilliant, and different from other seeds. If times are tough, let’s think about soils, and seasons, and strategies. Perhaps it is time to sow somewhere else. Perhaps it is time to be patient, waiting for your fruit to grow. Perhaps it is time to develop a strategy to cope with setbacks. Or perhaps it is time to sow a different kind of seed… a change of pace, a change of career, a change of activity.

However today’s blog ‘speaks’ to you, we can rest assured in the patterns that Nature has rehearsed and reviewed and renewed for millions of years.


A Moodscope member.

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