Seeing without looking

18 Aug 2023

There is a TV show whose name I won’t mention, but hopeful singers are encouraged to perform to judges who have their backs to the singer. This means they only judge on the person’s voice, not their age, their gender, their clothes, their weight, their looks, their disability etc.

One young person who was overweight was so relieved he would be judged just on his voice.

In life as soon as we meet someone, we immediately make assumptions on what a person looks like, their clothes and all the other visual clues.

We judge people by how they look even if we don’t like that we do. I am aware I do.

I think wouldn’t it be good when we meet someone for the first time if we couldn’t see them but just listen to them.

I know as I get older people talk to me differently than do on the phone when they assume I am younger.

A friend uses a wheelchair, and she says people react totally different to her when they meet her in person or chatting on the phone.

Have you had a time when you wished you met someone without seeing them?

If you met someone over the phone then met them in person, did you find you made less judgments about them? Why or why not? 

Do you think when we meet someone we are too busy looking and not listening and really seeing them? Why or why not?


A Moodscope member

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