Self Portrait.

1 Aug 2016

I recently attended the National prestigious portrait exhibition at the art gallery of New South Wales. The definition of what a portrait is very loosely defined now so there were traditional portraits, photo realism portraits, tiny portraits, huge one; full figure ones, collages, book covers, a tiny figure on a huge canvas.

The guide told us that portrait should convey something of the personality of the sitter, and it helps if the sitter and artist can bond.

There were 3 portraits that dealt with the subject of mental health in different ways:

1 The artist painted a well-known actor/comedian who has been public about his struggle with anxiety and depression. The portrait shows the aging actor in a serious troubled pose with his hand on his forehead.

2 An ex policeman who ended up with PTSD. The enormous portrait show his face in colours of red tone, looking downward and very sad.

3 Man lying on floor looking upwards, in dark colours.

There were also a number of self portraits using many different mediums.

How would you paint your own self portrait?

Would you include your depression as part of your picture? Would you make it big or small?

Would you make yourself the centre of the picture or would you be a small part among lots of other parts of your life? Would you use one colour, lots of colours , bright colours or somber colours. Would you paint in oils acrylic, pencil drawing? Would you use collage?

Remember the most important thing is to convey something of your personality through the portrait.

So tell me what your self-portrait would look like and what part of your personality will you be conveying.

Welcome the first Moodscope self portrait gallery.

I can't wait to hear about your portraits.

Let the gallery open and the exhibition begin.

My self portrait would be a collage of many books, toys, nicnacs, bags, shawls, with my head peaking through all the books etc. It would be bright and busy and convey my love of books and my shop contents.


A Moodscope member.

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