Severe Physical Disabilities

1 Feb 2024

I have been wondering how many Moodscopers are wheelchair users.As far as I can recall, I do not remember anyone referring to their wheelchair. Is this because their mental health issues are unrelated to physical disabilities? Or for another reason?

I do not use a wheelchair. I am one of the fortunate ones. I was not born with a physical disability nor have I had a tragic accident which rendered me unable to use my legs. I am not an army veteran who stepped on a landmine and was discharged with major physical issues.

I am not talking about the use of mobility scooters here. The real reason I’m writing about wheelchair users is to draw attention to the difficulties they still encounter in 2024. 

Access, ignorance, job opportunities, pavements, advertising boards obstructing pavements, uneven ground, not being treated equally. The list goes on and I would be interested to hear from anyone facing daily trials about how you manage.

There is of course a close connection between physical and mental health. 

I get the impression from Moodscope here that most of us suffer from mainly mental health issues but with physical ailments which although do not impact on our mobility to this extent, nevertheless impact on our daily lives. I get the impression that not many are wheelchair users. But there will be some.

I’d like to hear from the latter if you want to talk about your day to day lives. 

And from others like me who are interested in this and feel much more needs to be done to improve the lives of those not so fortunate as us.


A Moodscope member

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