Shake One, Make One, Break One

Personal development
22 May 2023

In a single week the Hawthorn Trees in the hedgerows have gone from mild understatement to over-the-top flamboyant displays of abundant availability. The Bees recognise the signs! The Bellflowers – the Campanula - commanding the Purbeck Stone walls have mirrored such extravagance in their own way of ringing in the changes. It is, indeed, time for a change…

Their message? “What got us here may not get us where we want to go.” Different seasons require different responses to the opportunities afforded us.

What if 80% of what we pay attention to turns out to be a welcome distraction from our own imminent arrival of Summer? What if there are brighter days ahead hiding in 20% of what we give our full attention to? To move forward we would need to think about what we really want and then focus on that Summery Vision.

When we become ready for a change, habits need to change too. Let us reflect on three habits this Season. 

First, there is a habit we’ve been good at in the past but that we’ve let slip a bit. That’s one to shake into fresh life.

Second, there will be a new habit to adopt that will transform our health or happiness or sense of purpose and meaning.

Third, there will be a pattern of repeated behaviour that holds us back from the ‘best’ in our lives. It may even be a good habit but it isn’t our best. Work can often be like this – busy doing something good, but not our best.

Shake one, make one, break one.

Bloomin’ marvellous!


A Moodscope member

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