Sharing my journey.

14 Nov 2017

I wrote this email below to my son, who is having trouble with his ability to cope with any additional stress in his life as he starts his second year at university and after several years of significant destabilising life events; but more than that he is having trouble coming to terms with the fact that he needs a plan for recovery. I shared with him part of my journey:


"I'm not sure if I've mentioned this site but I first started using Moodscope after I had counselling to help me overcome the grief after my best friends death. I watched the video on the website and used the score system several times a week for several years. More recently, I've only used the scoring system a couple of times a year.

What is interesting though is the emails that come through every day once enrolled. I mostly glance at them, but every now and then something catches my eye. I would not say that I have been feeling down for any length of time for ages, but we all get our blue days. However, what I realise though is that good mental health is like any health; you have to do exercise to maintain it.

Understanding that I'm not the only one who has struggled with their demons makes things easier and to read the blogs of others keeps the 'exercise' routine required for good mental health.

It takes some time to settle into other people's language of expression, explanation and recuperation, but almost all the blogs are helpful and positive in some way.

As I mentioned the other day, the first step on the road to recovery is to admit that you are unable to cope with your situation and that you need help. Don't be afraid of saying these things to yourself and to your loved ones. They will be ready support, with no judgment and with love.

As a start, go to Moodscope and see what you think."



A Moodscope member.

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