Shelley, my best friend

12 Oct 2023

Last night my best friend lost her fight against pulmonary fibrosis. Her name is Shelley and she was only 62.

I wanted to write about it firstly as a tribute to her and secondly I think it will help me with the grief I am going through.

Shelley and I have been best friends for over 20 years. We just clicked. And we have been through so much together - lots of laughter, lots of drunken nights and lots of tears. Always there for one another. She was matron of honour at my wedding. She was there when I found out I was pregnant with my first child and there when I found out about the second one. She was with me when my dad passed and I was there when her mum passed. Her family feel like my family and vice versa. I love her and always will.

Shelley will be missed so much. She talked a lot, and I mean a lot! We all used to joke about it, but gosh, will we miss it now. The silence will be awful.

She was the kindest, loveliest, caring person I have ever known and she was beautiful inside and out. 

She didn’t deserve this. I’m not sure why things took such an awful turn so quickly. She lives in Spain and at the last minute I decided to visit her last month. I am so pleased I did. We had such lovely week.

This is about my lovely friend who I will miss more than words can say, but I’d love it if you could tell me about the people you have lost and why you miss them or why they were so important to you.

People don’t talk about loss to those that are grieving because they don’t know what to say and therefore you don’t get a chance to talk about the people you loved and why. I’d love to hear about your lovely friends or relatives you miss.

Goodbye to my bestie, I will always be with you. xx


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