Simple pleasures

14 Feb 2017

You could say that there's a lot to be depressed about. Depending on your political persuasion (and bear with me if you are not of the same ilk), 2016 was not a good one with Brexit, the election of Trump, not to mention the deaths of Bowie, Victoria Wood, Prince and George Michael.

I used to be very political. As a member of CND as a school girl I have been on the odd march in my time. As a teenager I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I now have a friend who like me is a depressive but unlike me remains so sensitive to political events she seems so angry all the time.

So what has changed for me? Don't get me wrong we need campaigners, activists and people to be agents of change. But I am also more aware of what I can do and what I can take personal responsibility for and what I can't. I don't have American citizenship so should not feel responsible for what happens there but did have the vote here and used it!

The difference in my outlook is that, in a scary world, I now know that I need to take heart from the simple pleasures in life. This week's simple pleasure was espied during a dog walk one drizzly day. I caught sight of a flash of vivid blue, blinked and looked again. To my delight there was a kingfisher perched on a branch overhanging the stream in our local park. Not bad for the second city, urban Birmingham. (I am now waiting for Outraged of Manchester to respond).

In this crazy, scary world I have discovered it's the little things that make the difference. This afternoon it's the luxury of reading the paper in bed.

What helps you gain a different perspective when all seems bleak?

Brum Mum

A Moodscope member.

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