Simpletons R Me!

24 Sep 2015

The definition of a simpleton is 'gullible', 'ignoramus'. I don't agree.

(Dear Hopeful One... I am being your Ernie Wise, I have left this wide open for you to fill with an appropriate joke my friend...)

All of us are busy. We have demands on our time, our wallets, our health, our everything. But really, when we die we might not wish we had given more. We might wish we had done less. We might wish we had waited to wave, we might wish we had made friends with the tree on the path to work, as it turned through the seasons and as it grew old with us. We might wish to have a few minutes more doing one simple thing.

Today, can you keep that thought in mind? Can you try to include something you wouldn't normally do? Just a little thing. Ask the postman how his day is. Cut a flower from the garden and have it on the table beside your meal. Hold a loved one just because. Smile as a gift for someone else.

My postie was a shy sort. (As am I.) I think he must have dreaded coming up the path. But now I know his name is Peter and that he is wearing shorts and a t-shirt every day in a competition with his colleagues to see who can last longest into the changing season. I've learned he's given up smoking. And I've learned that, once he relaxes, he has a cheery face and smiles with his eyes. He doesn't know it, but he regularly gives me my first adult connection in my day and for that I am very grateful. A connection that makes me feel like I have a colleague. That I'm not alone, that someone else was up at a hideously early hour, yahoo!

I don't want you to aim high today, I'd like you to aim simple. Bow and arrows ready my friends.

Love from

The room above the garage.

A Moodscope member.

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