Skills or pills? Or both?

1 Feb 2022

I’m a big fan of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, but, inevitably, some CB Therapists are better than others. The first one I used was OK but limited; the second one, recommended by my GP, was brilliant (but cost over £100 per hour).


If you can get a good CB Therapist on the NHS, you are lucky. If you go private, even a cheap one will cost you £50 per hour. So, if you haven’t much money and the NHS waiting list for CBT is a mile long, what else could you do?


I’m going to suggest a brilliant video by the American therapist Michael Yapko, “How to recover from depression”, subtitled “Why skills work better than pills.” IMHO it’s an hour of pure gold, I discovered it earlier in 2021, I wish I’d seen something like this decades ago.


It’s at


Please watch it, and let me know what you think.


“Oldie but Goldie”

A Moodscope member.

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