
21 Aug 2023

Have you noticed how Lambs love to skip? Calves do too.  And foals. While their parents mildly and meekly ruminate upon the state of the world, their offspring, spring off.

Young children do the same.

I love to see a child happily skipping down the path – especially when it would be far easier to calm down, be serious, and walk like their companions. 

It seems, at least as I perceive it, that young girls remember to skip for far longer than most boys… although there’s always Morris Dancing.

Somewhere along all our timelines, we learn to ‘not-skip’.

This is a mistake.

This was brought home to me this week with a friend who has lost much of their mobility. They said to me, with much pathos, “I used to skip, you know?”

Today, I hope you find enough space to remember how to skip.

Whether you can skip or not, the message today is about childlikeness – not childishness. It’s about liberating your inner-lamb! It’s about you and your youthfulness that still longs to be expressed.

So, if you were to liberate your inner child today and let it express itself, what will you do?

I hope you skip.


A Moodscope member

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