
21 Nov 2017

Lex wrote recently about waking up in the night, and ruminating on forgiveness.

I go to bed about 11pm, read for a little while, feel tired drop off to sleep, then wake between 3/4am and cannot get back to sleep again.

I have several cd's which are supposed to get one back to sleep again, but not me. They all promise the more you play them the more you will get a sleep pattern going, but not me!!!

I've read various so called Sleep experts. I don't drink anything with caffeine, nor drink after 9pm. I don't drink alcohol (it doesn't agree with me) it must be nearly 50 years ago I tried but it doesn't like me, my father was the same. I don't smoke, never got the hang of it, my mother was a chain smoker. I don't watch TV in the bedroom.

Unfortunately I can't have a nice warm bath, as I can't get in the bath anymore - last time I slipped, fell out and hit my head on the toilet!

I do suffer with Tinnitus, which makes it hard to sleep. I have tried various Cd's recommended by experts, but I am sure they don't suffer, because the noise is excruciating.

I go to sitting exercises and have now started lying in bed during the night doing some, also eye exercises trying not to wake my husband (haven't done so far), I do find it stops my mind wandering, but I still need more sleep!

I feel I am doing all the right things, but it's not working. So if anyone out there has any suggestions to help me sleep I'd be very grateful.


A Moodscope member.

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