Smelling the melons

29 Mar 2025

You may wonder what this blog is about. It's about positivity, realising a dream/s, a little dash of cosmic ordering and asking the universe for what you want. I firmly believe that if you really align everything for something that you really want, you absolutely can make it happen.

This weekend, I picked up a second-hand greenhouse. I'd wanted one ever since we moved in here and my husband kindly started me on the journey getting a mini greenhouse and a trug initially. He also got me a wheel along thing that you sit on and weed with. I decided the latter could wait until I am really old and have trouble digging out the weeds. It sits, redundant (until I can't manage) and when there is room, I will put it in my potting shed for the future!

Back to the greenhouse. A friend grew Gala melons and had three successful ones growing last year. She also had a vegetable patch which I also have, my husband kindly making room for an area for one and putting up a wooden surround. This will now be where the greenhouse will go. We got it second hand on Marketplace. I like ‘rescuing’ things from the tip and the last time we did so for a largish purchase, it was the summer house which we left in the last house. People will tip the most lovely things.

So, I plan to grow lots of things when it's up. Mainly things I like to eat. It will take me back to the house I grew up in when we were first in Scotland. We had a greenhouse near the bottom of the garden and Grandpa M used to come (to escape from Grandma M – you'd understand if you met her) and he would grow the most achingly cheek-sucking sweet tomatoes you'd ever tasted. There was a mouse nest under the floorboards and I used to worry that every time we stepped on it, they had had it but I don't think that was the case.

My brother worked for a seeds company and is still my go-to for those. Last year's tomatoes were ridiculous – far too many and it was too cold for them to prosper completely. I made green tomato chutney instead. So, this year I plan to grow flowers, herbs and vegetables in there and have the mini greenhouse as a sort of propagator. I had a rotation system last time and it worked fairly well. Basically I can see myself in there, pottering around happily. It will happen.

So next time, you think you can't achieve anything, imagine scenes in your head of doing the things you want to. One small step in the right direction is all it takes. If it takes days, months or years to do, it doesn't matter. Just clearly see yourself up there in the spotlight or lowlight, doing what you really want to do. Have faith in yourself. You can do it!


A Moodscope member

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