Smiling on the inside.

25 Oct 2017

For the last few years I've been feeding my neighbour's cats when she goes on holiday. I cover mornings and another neighbour does evenings. One cat is the equivalent of Marilyn Monroe. She bats her eyelashes at me, flirts Outrageously with a capital O, and makes me feel the world stops at me! I know its cupboard love but I fall for her every single time. I leave walking on pillows of happiness! The other cat is frightened of her own shadow. Our relationship is me talking gently to her from the ground whilst she cowers at the back and on the top of a cupboard near the ceiling.

However. Today I walked out on double pillows. Frightened cat not only greeted me with a little smile but she let me in to her own self. She allowed me to clap her when I arrived, and she came when I called out for her when breakfast was ready. She didn't back off in fear when I said cheerio.

She has trusted me. It's a magnificent feeling! It has given me a boost to know I can show her I mean no harm and she has accepted that.

If you are not in a good place, and you're struggling alone, I wonder if you might consider trusting someone. It not only helps you, it can mean the world to others too.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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