Socialising Anyone?

26 Apr 2023

I often wonder about myself!

In particular if I basically don’t want to socialise and should I feel ashamed guilty about this and what is it about me that dreads invitations ahead of the date?

From reading Moodscope every day, I realise that some of us actually like talking to people and I’m not referring to passing the time of day with someone say on a walk (which I really like) but being in social gatherings and participating in the social chit chat as much as the next person.

I don’t think Gardener or Teg will mind me highlighting them both as such social people. They each seem fun to be around and I am sure would contribute in a positive way to a social gathering and be invited back. Their company would be actively sought.

I am certain there are many other Moodscopers who fit this bill. I could name some others but to be honest I’m not totally sure and it would be wrong of me to categorise them. 

However I do not see myself like this at all. I like people and have friends but am much better at communicating via text messages and in writing, than face to face.

I find it such an enormous effort to talk for hours face to face. I don’t look forward to the event but force myself to go because I feel I should. People have been kind enough to invite me so I should participate.

I am sure I contribute ok and am interested in plenty of things. I’m knowledgable, kind and considerate but somehow I feel uneasy, not relaxed in the company of others. 

Does anyone else feel like me?


A Moodscope member

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