Society for the Protection of Underground Networks

26 May 2024

Yes, SPUN, does exist. It’s about protecting fungal networks which play a vital role in the health of our Planet’s ecosystems. What enabled plants to move from water onto the land? The answer is likely to be fungi – fungi that were already present in the soil and able to funnel billions of tons of CO2 into the soil.  They do this by forming relationships with microbes. In fact, they contribute if far more ways than that!

The specific group of fungi, mycorrhizal fungi, have been helping plants for millennia. These fungi acquire nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen, and deliver them to the plants with which they form partnerships.

Their networks are practically global... just like Moodscope.

OK, this is a Moodscope post, not Eco-Weekly! Why am I moved to share this? I thought today would be the perfect day to celebrate your invisible, hidden, networks of support. We necessarily concentrate on developing your own root system – your resilience, your emotional mastery, your coping strategies.  However, I think you’ll agree all this can fall down as a supporting system – an ecosystem – if you lose connection with your often invisible support network.

First and foremost is Moodscope itself. How could we strengthen the way we network and thus support one another? Practically, I bet every skill you’ve ever needed is represented by groups within our existing network? I bet you’ve never thought about finding an accountant through Moodscope? In the UK, we have Checkatrade to find suppliers that other people have pre-approved. Personally, I’d love to tap into helpers for my home and my business that understand mental wellbeing, wouldn’t you agree? I’m certain that this is a task Caroline and Adrian haven’t got the bandwidth to take on, but if there was a will, we’d find a way.  Moodscope Matchmaking.

Then there are your buddies - the ones who've signed up to get your score and watch your back (and roots!)

And, of course, friends and family who are supporters that keep you stronger through the bad times and share in your sparkles in the good times.  

Let’s pause today and reach out to our ‘Underground Network’ and say, ‘Thank You!’ in a way they’d appreciate.  And let's protect these Networks - cherishing them, and, where and when possible, nurturing them.


A Moodscope member

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