So says the title from the hit song by The Stranglers. A catchy tune, an unhappy song, but there's truth in that line. Change is one of the certainties of life! Much is written about how to cope with change but today I would like to concentrate on purposefully provoking change.
Sometimes we need help from outside. My tropical fish can't change their water for themselves – that's my job. But there is so much we can change ourselves.
I woke up this morning wanting change. To go on thinking "Something Better Change" without taking action ourselves will strangle all manner of opportunities that we otherwise could be creating. To go on doing what we've always been doing and expect a profound change is a form of forgivable madness. Why do I say "forgivable"? Simply because we all do this. We want someone or something else to provoke the change.
It's time for a change.
You can choose big changes or you can choose little changes – they will all affect your life. If you want massive results, take massive action.
Here are some ideas to get you off to a gentle start.
Change something domestically, perhaps something in your daily routine. I've begun with simply buying a new mug I liked the look of - this is now "my mug"! I used to change my hair when I wanted a fresh start but those days are long gone! I'm not sure of the reasons why Feng Shui often works for people but I know moving furniture around and decluttering can have a dramatic effect.
Change someone in your social life. I don't mean seek to change a friend - they'll resist you and are unlikely to appreciate your efforts! I mean connect with new friends. Through a special interest group on Facebook, I've been engaging at a distance with new "friends" from Finland and Sweden. It's fascinating and enriching. I'm learning... and therefore changing.
Change something emotionally or spiritually. Most of us are too busy to keep track of our good intentions. Sometimes it pays to just focus on one. "Kindness" has been my top value for years - though I'm often not as kind as I would prefer to be. So now I wear a Starfish brooch to remind me that I can be kind to one person a day as a gentle goal (like rescuing a stranded starfish). Of course that's enough to get me going and then I find I can be kind to lots more! Its role is simply to focus my intention - keeping it in sight, in mind rather that out-of-sight, out-of-mind.
Three simple changes are good. Five are better. Seven small changes have magic in them.
Something Better Change.
A Moodscope member.
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