Something in my brain went 'ping'.

18 Mar 2018

Something in my brain went 'ping!' It happened overnight. Unbelievable. But good! I went from negative to positive. From despondent to hopeful. From having no ideas, to overflowing with ideas. From not wanting to see friends, to wanting to see them.

It is a fact of my life that I have never fully understood, this light bulb effect. Even though it happens every year, sooner or later. In February or March, or even April.

It is very, very good to have strength back, my mojo, laughter, the ability to see and think clearly, and to enjoy.

But I am cautious too. I don't want this euphoria to boil over like a pan of milk on the hob, to drench me in stress and undue pressure. Because it can. The reverse of the coin to feeling flat and uninteresting - and uninterested - is that I want to skip, hop, and jump, and do all the things that have been outstanding, repair, patch up, make up for lost time.

So I must make a conscious effort to calm down, to tread carefully, to communicate with others effectively, and,crucially, to listen to what they have to say. Because I value the opinions of my loved ones, and they can see what I sometimes cannot.

I am a born survivor, the driver of my own car, metaphorically speaking, but it still has huge L plates on! What lies round the bend? I am really looking forward to the drive!

Does this ring any bells with you? I would be interested to hear your views and experiences.


A Moodscope member.

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