What you eat (or don't eat) might have an effect on your mood. Here are some food tips reminders.
Eat seafood at least twice a week. Studies have found that people who have diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel) were less likely to suffer from depression than those with low omega-3 diets. Some researchers believe depression has skyrocketed because we get so little omega-3 fatty acids in our modern diets. Flaxseed is also an excellent source.
Consider taking a chromium supplement. This mineral may improve the function of insulin, which in turn can normalize levels of the mood-boosting brain chemical serotonin. Talk to your doctor first.
Are you getting enough folate, an important B vitamin that some researchers believe may help lift depression? Folate and other B vitamins are essential for the production and function of various mood-changing brain chemicals. In one study, participants with the lowest folate consumption turned out to be at the highest risk for depression. Avocados are one of the richest plant sources of B vitamins.
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