Soup, distress and anxiety

3 Dec 2022

Sometimes things happen that defy logical explanation, are possibly traumatic but in retrospect are also humorous. This is such a story.

At the beginning of October we contracted Covid and the after effects left me with breathlessness and tiredness. In view of my cardiac history I decided to seek medical advice. After visiting my GP I decided to talk with my cardiologist (he had performed my heart surgery many years ago). An appointment was arranged to see him at 3pm at a local private hospital. I was a little anxious; at a previous meeting, 14 years ago, he had conveyed the news that I needed bypass surgery.

We had plenty of time to have lunch, clear up, and then drive the 30 minute journey. For the sake of convenience we decided to open two tins of soup. My wife chose her usual tomato flavour. I opened the cupboard picked up the tin and tugged at the pull ring. It snapped off!

Plan B involved piercing the tin with a can opener and cutting around the perimeter of the tin. In a few seconds the soup gushed out and splattered in all directions. It landed on my jumper, cupboards, and flooring that included a bright green rug! I called my wife who became distressed at the mess and my anxiety levels rose.

Frantic clearing up operation took place because time was short. A whole tin of carpet cleaner used on the green rug!

We eventually made it to the hospital in plenty of time. 

Morals to take from this story?

1.  Don’t open tomato soup tins near to green carpets!

2.  Sometimes anxiety can strike for no obvious reason. At other times it is obvious why you feel anxious. 

3.  It helps if you can see the humorous side to anxiety provoking accidents. 

4.  Try and retain perspective when ‘disasters’ happen. (Nobody was injured.) 

So this domestic accident produced two completely contrasting emotions. The initial one of anxiety that is bad for our MH and later humour that helps with MH. (My wife and I can now speak in an amusing way about it).

What a strange world we live in!

I am sure you have had similar domestic experiences and they would make amusing reading. 


A Moodscope member

PS. Upon our return from hospital my wife went on line and ordered a new green rug (with no tomato odour)! 

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