Spending hurts

6 Dec 2022

If I had not had such a rough year I would never have done what I did, at any price. But I thought this ‘luxury’ week, with spa treatments would put a bit of ‘go’ in me, which had gone missing. Won’t go into details, just not a success, not a treat, and I came home unwell.

Over the years, as we aged and our journeys got longer, family tried to persuade us to travel Business class on planes. Through ‘influence’ we’d been up-graded a few times, very nice. But the cost of having a bit of extra leg-room and un-advised alcohol over 10 hours was not on. We equated the cost per hour with investing in a bit more house for g-grand-daughter in her building account, or supporting at least three Indian girls.

Value for money is subjective, one person’s ‘must have’ is another’s ‘luxury’. We had two friends, not family, they had none and we were nearest to them. They had known tough times, and would NOT spend on comfort or personal adornment. They both received quite large legacies, which went to the grave with them, the government of the time taking 80% in death duties.

This year I have travelled a lot and stayed in all sorts of places. Of them all (and, I repeat, it is subjective) only two ‘delivered’ that is you got what you paid for and your tickets were honoured. My car insurance is due. Family and friends say as I live in a town I could give up the car. But if I had to take a taxi to the port to cross to the UK it would cost half the car insurance. And shopping on line has yet to reach us. To lunch with friends 8 kms away, without a car, would be costly, and lots of taxis do not work on Sundays, most of their work is ferrying to the local hospitals, no public transport.

Illogically I can spend on others – not spoiling, but giving a ‘treat’ according to the person’s preference. So, vastly expensive, but what an experience, a grand-son to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. We were based in Singapore, so no European flights to add in. We used to ‘mix and match’ grandchildren. Two posted to Marseilles. Two cousins to Futuroscope. Special birthday treats. One son adores cats, he had made a fuss of us, there was a metre high crystal cat in Jakarta airport, 6,000 dollars, perhaps not. Ditto fabulous red and green glass  chess set in Bangalore. Impractical as well, given the peripatetic nature of their lives.

But I have gone into total dream world this week, now the pain has stopped. Bought ‘Vogue’ just to look at beautiful things in the grey days of November. If I had money, temptation would win On jewellery. The ads shine from the page. Such lovely jewels, such workmanship, pure heirlooms for the future. How do you rate ‘Value for money?’ 

The Gardener

A Moodscope member

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