Stagnation vs Inspiration

12 Mar 2024

I’m in a quandary. Life is pootling along quite pleasantly, I have a couple of nice holidays to look forward to, but my life is lacking purpose.

Of course life has its ups and downs - the joy of a good meal shared with friends, and the shock and sadness of suddenly losing a dear friend far, far too young - both happened last week.

I need a passion to throw my energy into and to consume me. A cause or thing which I support wholeheartedly.

Yes, I have things to do: looking after the house, cooking, exercising, volunteering at various events, meeting up with friends, going to exhibitions and generally living life very well. Thankfully, at the moment I don’t struggle to get up in the morning (except when the cat is sitting on my chest demanding scrubbles), and I can fill my day with ‘stuff’.

But there is a hole. I’m very fortunate in not needing paid work now, but I need an occupation.

I’m not looking for suggestions of WHAT to do, but HOW to look for this notion that will inspire and challenge me, to energise me, to allow me to contribute and make a difference.

Maybe I just have to wait until it comes and gets me. But I’m impatient!

Open to suggestions…


A Moodscope member

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