Staring out the window

25 Jun 2023

I’m writing from a very loud piping competition. The sound takes over your whole body, it reverberates through your ribs. And there are vans selling salty chips. Heaven.

This time, the journey was by train. Two and a half hours of pretty coast and pretty cows. The lady next to me was reading, sometimes chatting, a welcome and easy stranger.  

I did nothing during the travel time. I sat. Drank a cappuccino. And looked out the window non stop, not even a nap broke my dedication.  

It strikes me that it was my meditation. The longest one I’ve ever managed. What a lot my mind lifted and sifted through on the way.  How calm I now feel. Even with pipes stirring me and drums ratatat-tatting me from the inside out.  

Meditation comes in all kinds of forms. It fixes nothing, and makes a huge difference.

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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