Stars can't shine without darkness...

21 Feb 2020

I saw this quote amongst some funny emails my husband sent me... it made me think about depression, darkness and Moodscope!!

We all have the ability to be stars, yes! Me, even you - yes you hiding at the back!

But for many, we find it hard to shine because of our depression... that deep, dark pit of treacle we find ourselves in daily, from the minute we wake up, if we managed to get any sleep, that is!

But from the responses the blogs receive, you will see how many stars are there, shining quietly in the gloom. They pull us up a fraction, providing us with a liddle lift, reaching out with kind words and holding a hand out or a paw!

There are many amazing peeps on Moodscope who not only contribute by writing or responding to blogs from other peeps, but also in the background: people like Caroline, Adrian, and others behinds the scenes, peeps we never see or hear from.

Thank goodness they are there because they all help whilst asking for nothing in return and keep Moodscope going for everyone's benefit.

There are others - the Moodscope buddies. They are possibly never seen by us... it might be someone in another country, it might be your OH! But they are there, giving a little prod now and then, maybe sending a smiley face, a sad face, a question mark to ask 'How's your day going?' They also receive your score, every time you take the test, so they'll know how your day is going. They'll be there for you.

The darkness for many of us is depression and we need to let ourselves shine. Show the world it's not what defines us; depression isn't me and I am not depression.

Why not drop by, take the test if you feel you can or read and respond to a blog post; ask us for help, tell us what's happening with you... there's bound to be another star here in this community who has just the right thing to say, one who can share a liddle light with you.

So, as the Take That song goes:

'Stop! Being so hard on yourself!

It's not good for your health!

Don't you let your demons pull you down!'

Apologies if that song becomes an earworm all day!

Love and Bear hugs

Bear xx

A Moodscope member.

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